Cars and Bakkies Wanted for Cash
We Buy AS Is..
We will take the car off your name for you..
You don’t worry about anything
De-fleeting of Company Vehicles.
Get more for your Trade in!
We welcome any checks on any of our vehicles, we suggest bring a mechanic, panel beater and the whole family to come view before purchasing 🙂
Walk away with R1000 Spotters Fee, by referring friends,colleagues or family to us. IF they selling a car or wanting to buy a car
You get Paid
*_How Being A Spotter Works_ :*
⚠ *You Can Now Earn R7500 A Month !!!!!!!*
You can walk away with R1000 cash by referring friends, colleagues or family to us.yes a wooping can also receive a bonus of R2500 !!!! Over and above your normal fee if you refer 5 successful referrals in the
same month….. so if you want this to be you, get cracking. Let the leads roll in.
Come Visit Our Nates Car Sales Legends Showroom Today !
Lots More Specials in Store !!
Weekly Bargain Buy
Posted anytime and day !!!
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