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Congratulations! Leeann Sweetman 

Congratulations! Leeann Sweetman 

On Winning The Mothers Day Hamper

Thank You To Our Nates Car Sales Family

Whoever Liked our Facebook Page, Whoever Shared Our Page, Whoever Tagged, The More You Shared The More Your Name Got

New Competition Starting Soon ????

Keep An Eye On Our Facebook Page

 Major SPECIALS in Store !!!

We Making Deals Happen

Contact Us Today

Over 200 Vehicles to choose from!
FROM Cheapies, Taxi’s, Quantums, LWB Bakkies, Sport Vehicles, Family Vehicles, Double Cabs and More.

Wanted for Cash
Toyota Tazz, Corolla’s, Vw Polo’s, Bakkies, all makes and models
We pay cash on the spot! 10 min max transaction

Cars and Bakkies Wanted for Cash  Hassle Free!
We buy AS Is
We will take the car off your name for you..
You don’t worry about anything
Take the money and say bye really Hassle Free!!

De-fleeting of Company Vehicles.

Get more for your Trade in!


We welcome any checks on any of our vehicles, we suggest bring a mechanic, panel beater and the whole family to come view before purchasing

Walk away with R1000 Spotters Fee, by referring friends,colleagues or family to us. IF they selling a car or wanting to buy a car
You get Paid

Search our FB Page:
Nate’s Car Sales East London

All pics are on our Facebook Page:
Nate’s Car Sales East London


We also have a website!!!

Can filter by type of vehicle, Price range & Year.
You can even sell your car, which includes all needed questions.

Our FB page and website will be updated accordingly.

Unfortunately Cash only. No Pay offs. Finance can be arranged if your name
is good at the bank.

_How Being A Spotter Works_

You Can Now Earn R7500 A Month !!!!!!!

You can walk away with R1000 cash by referring friends, colleagues or family to us.yes a wooping R1000. you can also receive a bonus of R2500 !!!! Over and above your normal fee if you refer 5 successful referrals in the
same month….. so if you want this to be you, get cracking. Let the leads roll in.

Come Visit Our Nates Car Sales Legends Showroom Today !

Lots More Specials in Store !!


Weekly Bargain Buy

Posted anytime and day !!!

Keep an eye on our Facebook page:


And Website:


Thank you

Kind Regards

043 050 1031

Sales Assistants :

Derril Jegels -0662145004

Ryan Vasi -0662189386

Charmaine Padayachee – 0738559768

Shaquille Metune – 0661949477

Khanya Mqaqa- 0614421042

Angelo Jegels – 0629325664

Sydney Johnson – 0670417533

Lito Knock – 0662199390

Email – nate@natescarsales.co.za



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