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How Being A Spotter Works

How Being A Spotter Works

You Can Now Earn R7500 A Month !!!!!!!

You can walk away with R1000 cash by referring friends, colleagues or family to us.yes a wooping R1000. you can also receive a bonus of R2500 !!!! Over and above your normal fee if you refer 5 successful referrals in the
same month….. so if you want this to be you, get cracking. Let the leads roll in.

Come Visit Our Nates Car Sales Legends Showroom Today ! 

Thank you

Kind Regards

 043 050 1031

Sales Assistants :

Derril Jegels 
Sales Manager 0662145004 

Ryan Vasi -0662189386 

Charmaine Padayachee – 0738559768 

Shaquille Metune – 0661949477 

Khanya Mqaqa- 0614421042 

Angelo Jegels – 0629325664 

Lito Knock-0662199390 

Sydney Johnson- 0670417533 

Email – nate@natescarsales.co.za 




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